Mathematics, 9-12
Montessori math materials aim to aid children develop a mathematical mind by using conceptual math, rather than procedural math. In Primary classrooms (age 3-6), children are introduced to the Addition Snake Game, and the Subtraction Snake Game, which provide ample of practice within the decimal system. Children build golden bead snakes by counting and replacing colored bead bars.

In Elementary classrooms, children are introduced to the concept of negative numbers (-2, -5…) using the Elementary Negative Snake Game. They are naturally familiar with negative numbers through temperature. Therefore, elementary is a good time to manipulate sign numbers within the 4 arithmetic processes.
How It Works
You will need to follow a presentation through a manual or a video to present this material confidently, and effectively. Below is a brief description of the process.

1- You and the child name the bead boxes, and briefly review the Addition or Negative Snake Games as needed.
.2- You create an equation that will not have a sum under zero (at least the first times).
3- The child builds the snake using positive and negative numbers.
4- The child replaces colored beads by golden or grey ten bead bars.
5- The child holds places for remaining beads using the positive place holders.
6- They do step 4 and 5 above using negative place holders when a negative amount of beads need place holding in the snake.

- The Elementary Negative Snake Game involves lots of executive function stimulation, critical thinking, a deeper understanding of negative numbers, arithmetic practice, and even midline crossing opportunities. This work is also fun for children who love the concept of sign numbers.