we’ve created a unique timeline showcasing the incredible journeys of explorers throughout history, Timeline of Explorers and Exploration. Unlike traditional timelines that focus solely on the explorers themselves, our timeline is organized by the continents they explored, offering a unique perspective on human curiosity and the drive to discover the unknown.
Category Archives: Timeline of Ancient Civilization
The Greek numeral system, used centuries ago, laid the foundation for the Roman numerals we encounter today. Studying Greek numbers isn’t just about learning an obsolete system; it’s about understanding the evolution of math and appreciating the intellectual achievements of ancient civilizations. This fosters a deeper connection to math, making it more than just equations and calculations.
We are excited to share our new educational Roman numerals material, the Study of Roman Numbers Complete Set. This material set includes an instructional guide, wooden Roman numerals, task cards to learn to convert Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, and a timeline to practice placing labels century by century in both Arabic numbers and Roman numerals.
Why is it important to learn about National Parks? National Parks are natural environments preserved for the benefits of the people and future generations. National Parks are areas with native ecosystems that offer an abundance of recreational and educational opportunities to learn about natural habitats.
The term Cosmic Education has always fascinated the Montessori community and for a valid reason; Dr. Montessori perceived all content areas of learning as connected to the beginning of time.
Our new Timeline of Numbers has been developed by Dr. Daniel Jutras, founder of the Montessori Teacher Education Institute. The Timeline of Numbers is aligned with the Montessori history curriculum and covers 16 millennia of history, from 15,000 BCE to 1,500 BE. Because the Timeline of Numbers is designed to be presented during the 5 Great Stories of the Montessori history curriculum, it is accompanied by research cards written in a storytelling manner
Each year, new Montessori elementary learners begin the year with an impressive series of stories and impressionistic experiences. They are introduced to the Five Great Stories, which Dr. Maria Montessori created to serve as a backbone for the Cosmic Education curriculum. The Great Stories exploit children’s powerful imaginations to deliver a road map through the […]