Alison’s Montessori is a leading global developer, manufacturer, and supplier of Montessori educational materials. We are an independent publisher with our own facility in New Jersey. Our facility in Sri Lanka ensures that we have direct control over quality standards, innovation capability, productivity, and the supply chain. In addition, Alison’s Montessori has exclusive collaborators in Thailand and Canada where our furniture and premium quality materials are also manufactured.
We make a commitment to educational content by developing tangible materials along with support and curriculum materials for all ages. We continue the legacy of Dr. Montessori by providing authentic Montessori materials and developing innovative science materials aligned with the Montessori curriculum for early childhood and elementary levels.
At Alison’s Montessori, we aim to be as transparent as possible while protecting our intellectual property. When considering a product, you can expect several pictures and a clear description to help you evaluate the content of our product before purchasing. Our customer service is dedicated to helping you with any questions and concerns you may have. Our goal is to deliver high-quality materials and content to children with uncompromised quality while striving to accommodate various budgets.
To facilitate your Montessori experience and save you money, our experts have prepared classroom packages for ages 0-12 that include a 10% discount! In this post, we would like to help you explore our options which are meant to improve your shopping experience. You will find packages for all budgets as we aim to cater to school districts, schools, and home-based learning environments. We offer packages with Premium Quality materials exclusively, which withstand intensive usage, as well as packages of Value Line materials for small environments. We have included Montessori Teacher manuals in some of our packages for your convenience. Alison’s Montessori is your one-stop for all your Montessori needs and beyond!
Infant-Toddler 0-3
Our packages such as “Infant-Toddler Classroom Packages” are based on AMS suggestions for preprimary children. These packages consist of materials in the following fields of child development: movement (child-size furniture), sensorimotor, practical life, and language. The packages include essential materials for infants such as the Play Gym, the Ball Game, or the Amazing Tracker, and also toddler materials that prepare children’s hands and minds: Picture to Silhouette Matching, Rings on a Vertical Dowel, Toddler Velcro Dressing Frame. Some packages include Teacher’s Manuals which provide all the necessary information regarding child development from birth to year 2 in the following fields: Montessori Philosophy, Safety, and Health, Environments, Language, Sensorial, and Practical Life.

Early Childhood 3-6
Our Classroom Packages 3-6 range from starter packages to curated packages, from Value Line to Premium Quality, and from wooden materials to wooden materials with printed materials. To help our customers manage their budget efficiently, we offer flexible options such as printed, printed/laminated, or printed/laminated/precut. For instance, “Learn to Crawl” includes essential materials for 3-4 year-old children in multiple areas such as math, language, botany, and geography. It is aiming to help you equip a prepared environment with foundational materials that follow the Montessori sequence and are listed on the AMS list of recommended materials for the primary level.
The packages are organized as the following, from essential packages to the most complete packages:
- Learning to Crawl Value Line or Learning to Crawl Premium Quality
- Learning to Stand Value Line or Learning to Stand Premium Quality
- Learning to Walk Value Line or Learning to Walk Premium Quality
- Run like the Wind Value Line or Run like the Wind Premium Quality
- Run like the Wind Value Line + Printed Materials or Run like the Wind Premium Quality + Printed materials
Lower Elementary 6-9
As for any of our packages, Lower Elementary 6-9 packages account for a 10% discount! These packages are designed to bring essential materials to your Lower Elementary classroom. Packages are also organized based on quality and content. You will find the same package in the Value Line or Premium Quality to accommodate every budget. Some packages are organized based on subject: Geography, Geometry, Math, and Language. Because elementary children are developing skills and autonomy more than ever, our packages “with printed materials” include an extensive choice of printed materials. Our printed materials are meant to support working with the Montessori materials. They may include control for errors on the back and are designed incrementally to allow children to refine their skills and deepen their knowledge. Printed materials include Nomenclature Cards, Command Cards, Activity Cards, Charts, and other supportive materials. Our most inclusive packages will contain complete Timeline Sets and Science Charts such as Lower Elementary Classroom (6-9) – Printed Curriculum Material Package, and Lower Elementary Classroom (6-9) – Printed Curriculum & Premium Quality Material.
Upper Elementary 9-12
As Upper Elementary learners are shifting towards abstract learning and research, the Upper Elementary 9-12 Classroom Packages section contains fewer choices with Upper Elementary Classroom (9-12) – Printed Curriculum & Premium Quality Material being the most comprehensive package. It is comprised of advanced math materials accompanied by printed materials, that include advanced fractions and geometry. In addition, we have added our beautifully crafted Fraction Cabinet for Metal Materials to host all the metal plate materials included in the package. This package also includes advanced language materials (wooden and printed,) science charts, history timelines, and geography materials.

Classroom Furniture
Finally, you may want to check out our Classroom Furniture Packages for ages 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12. Our packages include between 14-16 rectangular rubberwood shelves, 3-7 solid birch wood tables, and 8-22 solid birch wood chairs. Our chairs and tables come in different heights to adapt to each age group. Our solid birch wood chairs and tables are made in Sri Lanka, while our rubberwood shelves are made in Thailand. As with all our packages, save time and hundreds of dollars when purchasing a package!

Made in Canada and Thailand
We also offer Individual Subject packages. All packages account for a 10% discount, which is included in the final price (prices are subject to changes). All package content and pricing can be downloaded as a PDF file. Select your package, and look at the top of the description for the link. Our team will work with you should you have any questions, please reach out at For more information, visit our website at