In everyday life, we use estimation and rounding, two skills that help us mentally assess numbers. They can be used to simplify numbers and understand them better, or they can be used to do mental math faster. Estimation helps take a guess calculation using the nearest 10, 100, etc. To make an estimation, one must also use rounding. Rounding is when one rounds a number up to the nearest unit (ten, hundred, thousand) of a number. Rounded numbers are not exact. Both estimation and rounding are complementary skills; therefore, they should be studied together.

Our new set of 44 task cards, Estimation and Rounding, aims to provide elementary learners with sufficient and independent work. The set consists of three sections which increase in difficulty. Learners work with numerical values and manipulatives such as the Montessori Checkerboard and the 1000 Cubes material. These materials help learners visualize that estimation and rounding are close enough to exact values. The benefit of using task cards is repetition. Workbooks or worksheets are consumables that provide one-time practice. Estimation and Rounding Task Cards are durable and can be repeated at any time throughout the year. This guarantees learners multiple opportunities to practice the skills simultaneously, leading to permanent knowledge acquisition. You will find below a short description of each section to illustrate how the cards are organized to offer a rich experience to your learners.
- Estimation and Rounding (Task Cards)
- Checker Board (optional)
- Volume Box with 1000 Cubes (optional)
Task Cards Set 1
The first section consists of ten cards requiring learners to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. The first cards are simple numbers like 5.1, while others contain three-digit whole numbers with three-digit decimal parts. The task is straightforward to reactive learners’ prior knowledge and prepare them for estimation.

Task Cards Set 2
The second section, which contains 12 task cards, invites children to work with the Checkerboard. Working on rounding numbers using the Checkerboard demonstrates that rounding numbers to the nearest tens or hundreds does not change a number by much. Learners also observe which part of a number is rounded (the lowest place values). This section also contains some word problems.

Task Cards Set 3
The third section contains 22 task cards and mainly consists of word problems involving addition and subtraction. They also include working with geometric representations using common objects around the classroom. For instance, learners must measure the height of the Montessori Large Bead Frame and estimate the nearest inch. They are suggested to work with various measuring tools such as a measuring tape, a ruler, or a yardstick. When applicable, a control for errors is located at the back of each card.

Don’t miss out on providing your learners with year-round work on estimation and rounding. Once your learners practice regularly with these skills, they can to naturally apply them in other content areas and in their daily lives! For more support for Montessori materials, visit our website at