Every civilization across time has shared something in common: fundamental needs.
What are these needs that we all share?
Dr. Montessori introduced children to this philosophical reflection using the Five Great Lessons. After children have listened to the third Great Story, about humans on Earth, they are brought to reflect on human’s materialistic and spiritual needs.
Children embark on an imaginary journey where they think of essentials they would need in order to survive. Children genuinely list ideas, but often mix wants and needs.
The adult, using leading questions, begin to list what the children name. Later, she helps children sort “wants” from “needs” and cross the “wants” out.

What are the fundamental needs of humans? Dr. Montessori determined that they were material needs, and spiritual needs. Material needs things that provide humans with nourishment, shelter, clothing, and defense. On the contrary, other needs operate on a spiritual level: art, religion, self-adornment, and community.
After children have reflected on their own needs, they are invited to make connections with the needs of their predecessors on Earth. They come to realize that humanity share the same needs, which we call Fundamental Human Needs.
-1 control chart (no-tear synthetic chart with hand drawn graphics)
-1 mute chart (no-tear synthetic chart with blank sections to place cards)
-23 illustration cards to place on mute chart
-10 label cards to place on mute chart
How to Use the Charts
Ideally, children should have heard the Montessori Third Great Story, the Humans on Earth. Children will reflect on fundamental needs, and share their thoughts. Next, the adult helps children understand that materialistic and spiritual needs have always been the same among humans.
After children have created their own understanding of fundamental needs, they are presented with the control chart “Fundamental Human Needs.” The adult helps them understand the layout of the chart. To the left, children can see labels and illustrations of the materialistic needs, while to the left there are the spiritual needs .

Each need is comprised of a label and three culturally diverse hand drawn illustrations. Children will be amazed to realize that an element such as self-adornment (also named vanity) is a fundamental need. However, archeological findings have proven that civilizations across time and locations have always found a way to embellish themselves!
Now that all the needs have been introduced and discussed, children are invited to recreate the chart using the mute chart with movable labels and pictures. The materials would remain in the prepared environment all year round in the history section.
While reconstructing the Fundamental Human Needs chart can suffice for young elementary children, older elementary children should be encouraged to research particular elements of the chart. They can also create projects using the Fundamental Human Needs, such as making replica of artifacts.
Art Labels
Our Fundamental Human Needs charts will guarantee renewed enthusiasm and repetition for years!
You may also want to check out our Timeline of Fundamental Needs of Humans.