The Montessori framework is grounded in a child-centered approach to education that values fostering a child’s strengths, independence, and natural curiosity. It is an approach that recognizes that children have an innate hunger for knowledge and exploration learning through hands-on experiences, imagination, and experimentation. One subject that can be especially engaging for young learners is human anatomy. Our complete set, Major Organs of the Human Body, aims to help elementary learners ages 3-6 and 6-9 learn about their bodies and functions.

- Major Organs of the Human Body Nomenclature Cards (6-9) (Printed)
- Major Organs of the Human Body Nomenclature Cards (Printed)
- Major Organs of the Human Body Puzzle
- Major Organs of the Human Body Puzzle with Nomenclature Cards (3-6)
- Major Organs of the Human Body Puzzle with Nomenclature Cards (6-9) (Printed)
Related materials: Bio Signs-Torso, Human Torso Model, Human Torso Model (19″ Tall)
In Montessori education, students learn through hands-on experiences. When it comes to learning about human anatomy, this could mean holding models of human organs playing games involving body parts, or creating their own models. Our Puzzle and the Nomenclature Cards are hands-on learning materials that promote deep and enduring knowledge acquisition as they embody abstract concepts in sensory experience. Learners first observe the parts of the human body separately before attempting to use the Control Chart to position all the major organs in their respective places. The puzzle contains cranial and ventral cavities to host the major organs located on each side of the body outline. Once each organ has been located and placed, you may invite your learners to explore the Major Organs of the Human Body Nomenclature Cards.

In Montessori classrooms, children are grouped by age-distinct learning stages. Nomenclature Cards are greatly suitable to cater to different learners as each child will have their own curiosity and understanding of the subject. The Nomenclature Cards can be used independently or as a collaborative tool with partners. Knowledge sharing within these mixed-age groupings allows children to collaborate, explore, create, and scaffold knowledge. This approach encourages students to learn from each other and helps foster a sense of empathy and understanding of different needs within these cross-age collaboration-oriented environments. Major Organs of the Human Body Nomenclature Cards for ages 3-6 are also available for younger learners.

The Montessori approach emphasizes a child’s curiosity and natural desire to explore the world around them. By providing hands-on learning opportunities, elementary learners can better understand human anatomy and how the body functions. This understanding promotes self-awareness, encourages empathy, and develops an early love for science and biology. Our materials are designed based on the Montessori principles using appealing visuals, hands-on materials, and self-assessing tools that allow exploration and independence. We believe your learners will be delighted to use the Major Organs of the Human Body Puzzle! For more Montessori science materials, visit our website at