Around age 5-6, children in Montessori programs use an array of materials to memorize multiplication facts. They learn about multiplication by concretely experiencing the process. They begin to realize that a multiplication is simply an addition of the same number.

One of the materials used for memorization of multiplication facts is the Multiplication Bead Board. The Multiplication Bead Board is a perfect example of how children work with concrete materials to visualize the process of multiplication. The material consists of a perforated wooden board, wooden number cards with printed numbers 1-10 (multiplicand), and red beads (multiplier).
To complete this material, at Alison’s Montessori, we created a complete Multiplication Bead Board, which includes activity cards with a visual control for errors on the back. The activity cards ensure that children are offered consistent practice, and it fosters autonomy.

The activity cards contain a control for errors on the back. Children can self-correct their work, and keep practicing independently. The activity cards are organized in a way that compartmentalizes the learning:
- Set A: Simple multiplication
- Set B: Practice with tables 5, 10 (easy tables, common multiples)
- Set C: Practice with tables 2, 4, 8 (even numbers, common multiples)
- Set D: Practice with tables 3, 6, 9 (common multiples)
- Set E: Reversal multiplications (laying a foundation for squaring)

- The Multiplication Bead Board (Premium Quality or Value Line) consist of:
- 1 perforated wooden board with 100 holes in rows of 10
- 100 red plastic beads, 1 red flat rounded counter, and 10 plastic cards numbering 1-10 in a wooden box with lid
- 100 Multiplication Bead Board Activity Cards in a wooden box
How to use them
Step 1
After setting up the materials, children select an activity card from the Multiplication Bead Board Activity Cards box, and place it near the board. The card may read 5 x 3, for example. After determining the “multiplicand” (5) and the “multiplier” (3), children take the numbered card 5 in the bead box, which will represent the multiplicand. They insert the numbered card 5 in a slot on the left side of the board, which is reserved for this purpose.

Next, children place the round counter over number 3 on top of the board, which represents the multiplier. Now, the board is ready to receive the “product,” which is represented by the red beads.
Step 2
In this step, children align the red beads vertically, from the top to the bottom, to represent the multiplicand. For example, in 5 x 3, 5 is the multiplicand, so children align 5 beads from top to bottom, starting at multiplier 1. This action will be repeated 3 times because the multiplier is 3. Children clearly observe that the multiplicand is added to itself as many times as the multiplier requires it.

Step 3
After laying out all the beads, children count all beads to find the product. They can turn the activity card to control their work. The control of errors shows a numerical and a visual representation of the product. Children report their work in a math journal.

Another way to utilize the Multiplication Bead Board is by providing children with an equation (ex.: 4 x 6 = 24), and asking them to find other factors that would have 24 as a product (ex.: 8 x 3). Children can report their findings in a math journal.

In conclusion, the Multiplication Bead Board is a concrete way to understand the concept of multiplying. It is simple enough to provide children with practice and autonomy. A systematic approach to this work using Activity Cards ensures that all multiplication tables have been practiced in a logical manner. This leads children to discover what multiplication tables have in common with one another. After the Multiplication Bead Board work, children are ready to move on to the Multiplication Working Charts.