Biology, Mycology 3-6 and 6-9
Mushrooms are a type of fungus that can be found on forest floors, but also on backyard lawns! We think it is especially important to introduce children to the study of mushrooms since most children might have misconceptions about them, such as believing that mushrooms are plants or that a fungus is the same as a mushroom. Although mushrooms appear to have the same lifestyle as plants, they are extremely different. They do not perform photosynthesis; and therefore, they need to find food in their environment. The branch of biology that studies fungi is called mycology.

Right: Types of Mushrooms Materials
Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of living organisms, of which the majority of the organism is a network of threads growing underground. They do not need light as many living organisms do, and find various ways to survive. Some mushrooms grow and feed on dead organisms (plants or animals), while others develop symbiotic relationships with other living organisms that provide them food in return. The Alison’s Montessori team is pleased to offer meaningful Montessori-aligned materials that support this field of study.
- Parts of a Mushroom Puzzle (A wooden puzzle, a control chart, 6 wooden labels)
- Parts of a Mushroom Nomenclature Cards (3-6) (7 parts described: 21 cards total, a control chart, a booklet, a blackline master)
- Parts of a Mushroom Nomenclature Cards (6-9) (7 parts described: 42 cards total, a control chart, a booklet, a blackline master)
- Types of Mushrooms Puzzle (A wooden puzzle)
- Types of Mushrooms Nomenclature Cards (3-6) (12 mushrooms described: 36 cards total)
- Types of Mushrooms Nomenclature Cards (6-9) (12 mushrooms described: 48 cards total)
Optional: Fungus Kingdom Chart w/Cards
Parts of a Mushroom Puzzle and Nomenclature Cards
Children can start by learning the basic Parts of a Mushroom using a real specimen. You may want to purchase mushrooms and set up a tray where a mushroom can be dissected and observed. We designed Parts of a Mushroom based on the very well-known mushroom, Fly Agaric, which displays the following parts: cap, gills, scales, stalk annulus, volva, and mycelium. The cap is the uppermost protective part of a mushroom. It is sometimes covered with hard scales. The gills are the spore-producing parts of the mushroom. The stalk serves to support the cap, the ring is a remnant from the immature growing mushroom, and the volva is a thick membrane that protects the foot.

Our materials are purposefully designed to respond to various learning styles, and offer choices. Children can be invited to a botany lesson. Invite children to share their experiences with mushrooms. Ask about facts or personal experiences. Ask children the name of the mushroom on the puzzle. You can let children construct and label the puzzle as you read the Types of Mushrooms Nomenclature Cards together. As you read the Nomenclature Cards, place the control cards (picture and name) from top to bottom on the left corner of the working space. Place the description cards to the right of the control card. If you are working with the description cards without labels, place the labels below the description cards.

After the presentation, children can be invited to use supplemental materials as follow-up activities. For this purpose, we provide you with a reproducible booklet and backline master, which can be prepared in advance and left with the materials on the shelf.

Types of Mushrooms Puzzle and Nomenclature Cards
Another day, invite children to learn more about mushrooms using our new puzzle, Types of Mushrooms. You may be able to find Oyster, Chanterelle, or Morel mushrooms at the store to serve as real-life specimens. Our puzzle contains a variety of mushrooms, some edible and some deadly poisonous: Common Inkcap, Morel, Shaggy Scalycap, Orange Oak Bolete, Saffron Milkcap, Wooly Milkcap, Fly Agaric, Honey Fungus, Chanterelle, Oyster, Shaggy Inkcap, and Parasol. It is a good opportunity to provide safety guidelines about mushrooms.

Our Types of Mushrooms Nomenclature Cards 6-9 contain plenty of interesting facts to support an initial presentation. Children will enjoy learning about the most powerful mushroom that can break through asphalt, the Common Inkcap, or the most recognizable mushroom, the Fly Agaric. While reading through Types of Mushrooms Nomenclature Cards, place each control card from top to bottom, and let children match the picture and label cards placing them to the right of the control cards. You may also choose to simply use the picture cards to match with the puzzle pieces. Children enjoy one-on-one correspondence work.

Names in English & Latin

Pieces and Receptacle

You may want to share with children the Fungus Kingdom chart. Children can locate the subkingdoms in which mushrooms belong. You can invite children to investigate other fungi or mushrooms of their choice and write a report in their science journal. Finally, many supplemental materials can be added to augment this lesson such as books, painting mushrooms, creating mushrooms with salt dough, drawing/coloring mushrooms. In addition, you want to go for a nature walk and see if you can find some mushrooms to observe in their habitat!
We hope this post will help you get children excited about mushrooms! These materials will make an excellent addition to the botany area in schools or at home! Visit our website for more Montessori materials.