Language, 4-5+

The Blue Language Series is a continuation of the The Pink Language Series. Dr. Montessori’s approach to early literacy was developed within the Italian language, which is a more of a phonetic language than the English language.

Therefore, when the Montessori method grew in popularity in the United States, it was clear that an adaption to the English language was necessary. English contains a rich variety of phonemes (sounds), written in numerous graphemes (o, oo, ew, ue, u_e, oe, ough, ui, ou). The Blue Language Series addresses the peculiar aspects of the English language by offering a systematic approach to each specific letter cluster.
While the Pink Series introduces basic phonetic CVC words such a “cat,” “bed,” “mop,” the Blue Series introduces Blends (bl-, str, fl-….) and Digraphs (ay, oo, th, sh…).
Moveable Alphabet Internal Configuration
- “I Spy” is a work used through the beginning of the series to introduce all new letter blends (-nk, cl-, str-…_) and digraphs (ay, oo, ue…) using moveable letters. The child is invited to merge two moveable letters and discover the blends presented (see picture above).
- Following this sound work, Blends Cards will be aligned at the top, and Picture Cards will be matched to its respective Blends Card.
Step 2: Introduction to Ending Blends: “I Spy”

- Step 2 is the same presentation as Step 1 using ending blends such as -ft (lift), -ct (contact), -pt (erupt) (see picture below).
- The English language contains 2-3 consonant clusters at the beginning (STR-ike), middle (ho-SP-ital), and ending (Bli-MP) of words. It is essential to formally teach new readers to break words down into their component phonemes.
Step 3: Introduction to Consonant Diagraphs: “I Spy”

- Digraphs, also known as Phonograms, are a series of grouped letters that form one new sound when together: ay, oy, oo, ue, au, ou, ph, th, ch, ph…
- This step is presented the same way as Step 2, and Step 3 with the difference that children won’t be blending sounds. They will be provided the sounds of the digraphs without sounding each letter.
Step 4: Pictures and Words One-on-one Correspondence
Initial Blends Ending Blends
Pictures and Words is a set of pairs used to associate pictures to words previously studied (see picture above). This practice encourages the child to decode words, while the picture serves as a control. Ex: the child my read “f-l-a-g” and see the picture of a flag in the pool of pictures. This confirms that the word was read correctly.
Step 5: Rhyming Word Cards With Word Lists Mats

This work contains 3 sets of mats and cards. Children can work independently on matching the Rhyming Word Cards to the appropriate Word List Mats. Each mat contains a picture to aid the child classify the rhyming words. This time, the focus in on words with similar phonemic characteristics: cash, flash, crash, smash…
Step 6: Consonant Blends and Digraphs Booklets
Compartment for booklets Digraphs Set 1 7 Booklets
Children read booklets containing a series of blends or digraphs. The cards are written in black characters, rather than using red to emphasis the blends or digraphs. This is a transitional work to reading outside the Montessori materials.
Step 7: Word Lists

Word Lists are quite straightforward. Children can read them at their own pace. Word Lists offer the repetition and consistency needed for retention. The blend or digraph studied can be found at the top of each list, as well as a picture for additional help: pr- is represented by a printer picture.
Step 8: Vowel Substitution

The Vowel Substitution work provides an opportunity for children to experience nonsensical words and use their own judgement. They read a series of words using blends and digraphs, and sometimes a mix of both: spl__s, br__ck.
Step 9: Command Cards
Command Cards are action words containing blends and digraphs. Just as with the Pink Series, a set of Command Cards are spread out facing down. An adult selects a card and perform the action. Once the action is guessed, the card is read aloud.
Step 10: Command Sentences
Command Sentences is just like Command Cards, except that the Command Sentences include action words followed by nouns. 9 cards are placed facing down, an adult acts out the command, while children guess the action. The card is read once the child has guessed correctly.

Step 11: Pictures and Sentences Matching Cards
Pictures and Sentences Cards allow the child to read complete sentences with blends and digraphs in context. The Sentence Cards are matched to the Picture Cards to serve as control for error. This presentation is the last of the Blue Language Series.

In conclusion, the Blue Language Series is a step-by-step reading program that offers a scaffolded access to learning. Each step either introduces or reinforces a phonetic component. Following simple presentations, a child will be able to work independently with the materials until mastery is achieve. The child can be working on both the Pink Series and the Blue Series concurrently. When the child shows sign of mastery in most of the Blue Series components, she can be introduced to the first components of the final series, The Green Language Series.
Do they series include the box?
Hello, the series does not include the box. Please check out our website to find the Blue Series Cabinet.