Did you know that November is the National Native American Heritage Month? It is an opportunity for children to learn about the indigenous people, their history, ancestry, traditions, and lasting contributions that are still used today!

From the Arctic to the tip of South America, America was populated with millions of Native Americans who had found a way through the ancient Bering Land Bridge. They are believed to have traveled from Asia and Eastern Siberia around 50,000 years ago. Our Timeline of Native American History takes elementary children through 14,000 years of history using archeological classification in the North American continent.
67 Research Cards Timeline
- The Timeline of Native American History is easy to navigate. It features over 60 visually appealing pictures and text that is simple and easy for children to understand. Some of the detailed pictures include those that have been hand drawn, which give a beautiful look to the timeline. The Timeline ranges from 10,000 BC to present-day. It is printed on synthetic paper that does not tear or curl when rolled for storage.
- 67 Research Cards to match corresponding dates on the timeline.
How to Use the Materials
The Timeline is classified in four archeological periods: Paleoindian (10,000-8,000 BC), Archaic (8,000-2,000 BC), Woodland (2,000 BC-1,000 AD), and Historic (1,000 AD-2012). It also contains highlights of events, treaties, and acts. You may want to start by pointing at the different features of the Timeline, and ask the children if they remember what BC and AD stands for. You may want to provide the terms BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) as well to reinforce both concepts. You may also want to explain the important events that made a positive or negative impact. Acts and Treaties are agreements made between parties in order to maintain peace.
Now that children have explored the Timeline’s features, you can present the research cards grouped based on the periods. You may also choose to introduce the Timeline by grouping cards that relate to the fundamental needs of humans first: food, shelter, transportation, defense, health maintenance, or spirituality. This way, children will have a period of time to appreciate Native Americans for their rich and diverse culture.
Follow the Timeline from the beginning. Have children observe the pictures and read the short descriptions. It will entice them to learn more. Invite them to co-read the research cards that correspond to the Timeline pictures. You can check for understanding by rephrasing the content of the research card, and elicit opinions and impressions from the children by asking questions. Invite the children to keep in mind points of interests that they might want to research later.

Native Americans have so much to share, and November is the perfect time to celebrate Native American heritage. This can be done by searching for current federally recognized tribes, and learn about the way they strive to preserve their heritage to present day. You can also visit outdoor historical sites, or permanent exhibits such as the National Museum of Native Indians in New York City. Children can also experience authentic Native American cooking and crafts. They can also create projects on the great contributions that were made by Native Americans.
Children will enjoy learning about the First People who inhabited the American continent. Our Timeline of Native American History is sure to aid children in processing the knowledge at their own pace.