Introducing the concept of time zones to elementary students can seem complex and daunting. However, with our new Montessori-aligned materials, USA Time Zones Study – Complete Set, teaching about USA time zones will be fun, engaging, and relatable for the students! Our complete set consists of two extra large cloth Charts (Control Chart and Mute Chart), six Research Cards, and 42 Task Cards with control for errors on the back. The study of Time Zone will help learners revisit the states’ abbreviations as well as the time zone abbreviations.

- USA Time Zones Study – Complete Set
- USA Time Zones Study Control Chart
- USA Time Zones Study Mute Chart
- USA Time Zones Study Research Cards
- USA Time Zones Study Task Cards

Here are some ideas on how to introduce this topic in a Montessori classroom:
Start with a basic understanding of time. Begin by introducing the concept of time with basic information using our USA Time Zone Study Research Cards. The Research Cards indicate which state observes which time zone at a given time of the year. Due to Daylight Saving Time (DST), this information may vary for some states. In addition, revisit with your learners how to read a clock and tell time. This will help them understand time and how it is measured.
Using a globe or a world map, reintroduce your learners to geography. Show them how the Earth is divided into continents, countries, and time zones. Use different colors or stickers to highlight the USA time zones. You can make it a relatable experience by using real-life examples. For instance, you can discuss how time differences affect routine when traveling to different states within the USA. Your learners will practice this skill independently using our Task Cards, divided into four sections which we describe below.
Section 1
This section contains seven Task Cards asking learners to name the time zones highlighted on the cards. The time zones are color-coded and correspond to the Control Chart.

Section 2
The second section contains 11 Task Cards. The cards offer different scenarios where learners determine the time in a given time zone based on another provided time zone. For example, “At 12:30 PM CST, what time would it be in EST, MST, PST, AKST, and HST? All the answers are provided on the back of each card.

Section 3
Section 3 requires learners to recall in which time zone a given region or state is.

Section 4
The last section contains 12 Task Cards. Learners must convert a given time into another time based on different time zones. For instance, “Convert 3:00 PM EST to UTC.” The answer is “3:00 PM EST = 8:00 PM UTC.” This skill is especially helpful when working in a global economy. Learners realize that they must consider time zones when traveling or communicating with people around the globe!

Montessori classrooms are known for their hands-on approach to learning. Create activities and games where learners can actively explore the concept of time zones. For instance, learners can group themselves into different time zones and act out what they would be doing at a particular time of day based on that time zone.
In conclusion, teaching about USA time zones can be a fun and engaging experience for you and your learners! Using our hands-on material, USA Time Zones Study – Complete Set, elementary children can learn about time zones in fun and engaging ways. For more Montessori-aligned innovative materials, revisit our website regularly as we continue to create exclusive Montessori materials!