Word Study (6-9) became a classic language material found in Montessori elementary classrooms. After children have learn about the basics of parts of speech and understand the syntactic components of the English language, they are ready to manipulate and decode language on a semantic level. Word Study is a three year linguistic program that is introduced between age 6 to 9 using Key Experiences. Key Experiences are presentations prepared and conducted by the guide in the classroom. It involves visuals and tangible representations that aid children to comprehend a given grammatical component. This experience, introducing Key Experiences, will help children make long-term connections with the concepts. In fact, children often look forward to these presentations!

At Alison’s Montessori, we developed an enhanced version of our Word Study (6-9). Our set is colorful and inviting. The labels are elongated and narrow, which facilitate sorting and categorizing. Each component provides multiple opportunities for the children to practice the skill. Each component is accompanied with a practice workbook that children can use as extension work. By using the workbooks, children can practice writing the words that they are studying in context. Lastly, our material is coded so that it can be reorganized properly at any time.
12 Workbooks:
Alphabetization, Classification, Compound Words, Contractions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones, plurals, Possessives, Prefixes, Suffixes, Answer Key
12 Sets of Cards
• Alphabetization: A1-A10, 10 sets of cards, plus labels
• Classification: B1-B12, 12 sets of cards, plus labels
• Compound Words: C1-C10, 10 sets of cards, plus labels (with extra materials for Key Experience)
• Contractions: G1-G5, 5 sets of cards, plus labels
• Homographs: M1-M2, 2 sets of cards, plus labels (with extra materials for Key Experience)
• Synonyms: D1-D10, 10 sets of cards, plus labels
• Homophones: J1-J7, 7 sets of cards, plus labels (with extra materials for Key Experience)
• Homonyms: I1-I2, 12 sets of cards, plus labels
• Singular and Plural: F1-F20, 20 sets of cards, plus labels
• Possessives: H1-H10, 10 sets of cards, plus labels
• Prefixes: K1-K4, 4 sets of cards, plus labels
• Suffixes: L1-L6, 6 sets of cards, plus labels
Instructional Guide
Optional: You may consider organizing the materials in two 60 drawer hardware toolboxes (cards measurement 1″ x 5″.)
worksheets Worksheets
How to Use the Materials
The first two components, Alphabetization and Classification, do not require prior Key Experience presentations. You can explain alphabetization and classification of words by modeling the layout, and by placing the title cards on top first. The alphabetization cards increase in difficulty as children work their way up in the program. Instead of 1 letter to alphabetize, children may have 2 or 3 identical letters at the beginning of the words. After more practice, they understand the concept to be able to move up without assistance.
As for Classification, children classify words within 2 distinctive categories (e.g: birds vs. sports.) They understand that words are diverse, and can be classified based on the characteristics they have in common.

Compound Words is one of the favorite works for children. In effect, they discover the oddity of the English language. A cupcake is a cake in a cup. Some compound words make sense while some others don’t, raising conversation and bringing laughter! We have added an extra set of cards with pictures and labels to our set of exercises to illustrate compound words. This extra set can be used for the Key Experience.
To study Homographs, you will find a set of homographs cards accompanied by definition cards, as well as a picture to illustrate the described situation. Children are unconsciously aware of these subtleties. They are in awe when receiving a formal lesson on the topic.

Just as for Homographs, Homophones cards contrast concepts using homophone cards, description cards, and picture cards. Children understand that some words may sound the same, but carry different meaning. Context is then needed to figure out the meaning of the word.

Suffixes are usually introduced through a Key Experience. For instance, the adult may use a car and a trailer to demonstrate how some words carry power (the car), while other cluster of letters (the trailer) are depending on the word they follow. Word Study 6-9 offers 6 sets for children to practice. They come with the etymology of suffixes and definition cards describing what is a suffix to help with retention.

Prefixes work in a similar manner as suffixes. Beyond learning to create new words by changing the suffix and prefix of a root word, children begin to develop new skills. They are able to deconstruct new words and understand their meaning, and also they construct new words and expand their vocabulary repertoire.

Works on Plurals address regular and irregular plurals. Children select 2 companion drawers to match the content. For regular plurals, they will match a regular root card (bat) to its pluralized version (bats.) For irregular plurals, children will match an irregular root card (deer) to its pluralized version (deer.). Unconsciously, children are understanding that some plural forms remain the same as the singular form (deer = deer) while other plural forms require more than adding an -s (child = children).

While working with Possessives, children will encounter examples where words end in an -s. The work will demonstrate the proper way to indicate the possessor by simply adding an apostrophe with no -s following it (Lewis’ hat.)
You will find that children make many discoveries while working with Contractions. They often realize the connections between complete and contracted phrases (need not > needn’t). They also understand the concept of elision, with two words are combined, we can drop letters and replace them with an apostrophe.
In conclusion, Word Study (6-9) is an essential program in a Montessori environment, or in any elementary classroom. The material is colorful and designed for little hands. Children will enjoy the predictable routine that Word Study (6-9) offers. They will have an opportunity to put their newly acquired skills into practice using the corresponding worksheets and use the answer keys to control their work independently. You may also want to check out our concurring language program for age 6-9: Grammar Sentences, Sentence Analysis, Verb Conjugation, and Mechanics of Writing.