Category Archives: Math

Elementary Negative Snake Game

Mathematics, 9-12 Montessori math materials aim to aid children develop a mathematical mind by using conceptual math, rather than procedural math. In Primary classrooms (age 3-6), children are introduced to the Addition Snake Game, and the Subtraction Snake Game, which provide ample of practice within the decimal system. Children build golden bead snakes by counting […]

Addition Snake Game

The classic Montessori Addition Snake Game‘s purpose is to provide practice with the combinations of numbers that make ten. The Addition Snake Game also allows children to memorize addition facts. Indirectly, children go through a kinesthetic multi-step process that enhances executive function and self-regulation skills. The process requires children to work using their working memory […]

The Snake Game Multiplication Premium Quality

Mathematics In the Primary classroom, children practice arithmetic skills using the Addition and Negative Snake Games. They become acquainted with the concept of replacing every 10 color beads with a golden bead bar and creating a golden snake, which is the point of interest. The Multiplication Snake Game is similar to the Addition Snake Game. […]