Farms are not just picturesque landscapes, they are intricate ecosystems where humans, animals, and plants interact in a complex web of interdependence. Our new set of Montessori-aligned materials, “Life on the Farm,” offers a unique opportunity for children to explore the scientific underpinnings of farm life. The material emphasizes the role of domesticated animals (cows, pigs, chickens, goats, or sheep….), some of which have been selectively bred over centuries to serve specific purposes, such as providing food, fiber, and labor. By taking a scientific approach to farm life, we can foster an understanding of the natural world and inspire a sense of responsibility and appreciation.

The complete set, “Life on the Farm,” consists of a large informed chart, a mute chart, cutouts, corresponding research cards, a wooden puzzle with a control chart and labeling arrows, and corresponding nomenclature cards. Sets of nomenclature cards are available for the primary (ages 3-6) and the elementary (ages 6-9) levels. The large charts are perfect for primary learners, but still highly appealing for elementary learners. The puzzle is accompanied by a control chart making it a self-corrective work. In addition to offering various means to access knowledge, our materials are uniquely designed with aesthetic hand-drawn graphics, which contribute to stimulating young learners’ imagination.
- Life on the Farm Complete Set
- Life on the Farm Puzzle
- Life on the Farm Puzzle with Nomenclature Cards (3-6) (Printed)
- Life on the Farm Puzzle with Nomenclature Cards (6-9) (Printed)
- Life on the Farm Research Cards
- Life on the Farm Chart
How to Organize the Materials

Informed & Mute Charts with Cutouts
Begin by introducing the concept of a farm. Ask children if they have ever visited a farm or seen pictures of one. As children explore the mute chart and cutouts, ask guiding questions to stimulate their thinking: What is this animal/object? What does it do on the farm? What do we get from this animal/crop? How does this animal/object help the farmer? Introduce the informed chart and explain that it will be used to organize the information from the research cards. Read the research cards and have children place the cutouts on the mute chart using the informed chart.

The puzzle encourages children to actively engage with the material, enhancing their understanding through tactile exploration. The colorful graphics and clear wooden labels help children visualize the different elements of a farm and their relationships. By manipulating the puzzle pieces, children develop fine motor skills like hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

The research cards introduce a wide range of vocabulary words related to farming, such as “tractor,” “chicken,” “sheep,” and “wool.” Children can learn these words in context and use them in real life. Scientific Exploration: The cards also provide opportunities for scientific exploration. For example, children can learn about the different breeds of chickens and how they produce eggs, or they can discover the process of making wool from sheep’s fleece.

The nomenclature cards can be introduced with the puzzle to introduce the new vocabulary and concepts. Each card consists of three parts: picture, label, control card or description, label, and control card. Begin by introducing the concept of a farm using the puzzle. Show children the control card with the description of the farm element. Read the description aloud and point out any key details, which will help their memory. Show children pictures and label cards and match them to the right side of the control card.
Our new Montessori materials on “Life on the Farm” offer a rich and engaging learning experience for children ages 3-9. By exploring the materials, children can develop a deep understanding of farming, strengthen their vocabulary, and gain a greater appreciation for the natural world. Our Montessori material aligns perfectly with the child-centered approach to learning, fostering a love of learning. For more innovative Montessori-aligned materials, visit our website at