The classic Montessori Addition Snake Game‘s purpose is to provide practice with the combinations of numbers that make ten. The Addition Snake Game also allows children to memorize addition facts. Indirectly, children go through a kinesthetic multi-step process that enhances executive function and self-regulation skills. The process requires children to work using their working memory while retaining short term information, their mental flexibility when adapting to new situations, and their self-control to remain focused while working.

Addition Snake Game (Value Line or Premium Quality)
- a presentation tray to hold all 3 boxes
- one black and white box with 9 placeholders bead bars
- one red box with 5 sets of colored bead bars
- one golden box with 23 golden bead bars
- Addition Snake Game Chart with control on the back
How it works
This work is introduced in the first year of Lower Elementary. Children are invited to receive a formal presentation where the guide demonstrates how to use the Addition Snake Game. The Goal of the Addition Snake Game is to replace all the colored bead snake by a beautiful golden snake. The following steps are demonstrated:
Step 1
The black and white placeholder bead bars are placed in order from one bead to the 9 bead bar from top to bottom in the top left corner. Starting at bead bar 6, the bead bars contain 5 black beads and additional white beads so that children can quickly determine the amount of beads on each bar without counting. For instance, bead bar 6 contains 5 black beads and 1 white bead, bead bar 7 contains 5 black beads, and 2 white beads, etc… At the same time, children are learning what 5 plus another amount is equal to.

Step 2
Children can be provided an equation or create one. Using our visual Addition Snake Game chart, children can construct a colored bead snake using the colored bead bars from the red box, and a model from the chart (see picture below). For example, our first chart shows the following equation to solve: 4 + 9+ 6 + 6 +3 + 5 + 9 + 3 + 8 =

Step 3
Next, from left to right, children count 10 beads then pause. They replace every 10 colored beads by a golden bead bar. Sometimes, they have extra beads on the last colored bead bar. Using an indicator with a small notch, children can separate a bar by anchoring the indicator between two beads. This way, they keep track of where they reached 10 colored beads.
Step 4
While the indicator keeps track for them, children count the extra beads to the right of the indicator, and bring an equivalent amount of beads using the black and white bead bars. These bead bars will hold place of the extra beads, which yet have to be counted. Meanwhile, children place a golden bead bar to the left of the indicator, and a a black and white bar to the left of the indicator, when applicable.
Couting 10 beads before separating with an indicator Replacing with a golden bead bar and a placeholder Removing the colored bead bars
Step 5
As the colored bead bars are removed from the snake, they are stored in the empty black box on the top left corner of the mat. Children continue to count sequences of 10 beads starting from black and white bars when applicable. Once children have replaced all the colored bead bars with golden beads bars, they are finished. They might have a placeholder bead bar left at the end. Children are invited to count the product by adding all golden bead bars with the placeholder bar when applicable. In our example, we have 5 golden bead bars, and the 3-bead placeholder bar, which equals to 53. Using our Addition Snake Game Charts, children can view the control for error on the back of each chart.

Step 6
With much more experience, children can compare the golden bead bars product to the colored bead bars they removed. That is why it is important that they reserve them in the empty black box. Children place the golden bead bars to the left of the working space, and the colored bead bars to the right. They first place one golden bead bar horizontally, and make a combination of ten beads using the colored bead bars located on the right side. If they are not able to find a combination (ex: 7 and 3), they exchange beads from the red box. If there is any placeholder bead bar, it is matched with colored bead as well. If the golden bead bars and placeholder bar match the colored bead back, this confirms that the work has been done correctly. Children can record their work in a math journal.
Addition Snake Game Control on the back Colored bead bars from the original snake Comparing golden beads to colored beads to control
By creating such a kinesthetic work, the Montessori approach to arithmetic offers a superior experience to children beyond traditional practices. The Addition Snake Game along with our Addition Snake Game charts enhance this experience by providing children with scaffolded models. Later, they enjoy creating their own equation by choosing the colored bead bars themselves!
For other arithmetic processes, you will find a variety of other snake games such as: the Subtraction Snake Game, the Negative Snake Game, the Multiplication Snake Game, and the Elementary Negative Snake Game. Our Addition Snake Game is also available in Premium Quality.