Tag Archives: #earlyliteracy

Preparation for Writing, Ages 2-4

Dr. Montessori believed that language development was a crucial component for supporting the child’s learning journey. She observed that children have the desire to form letters before they can learn how to read. Therefore, preparatory works in the Practical Life and Sensorial areas are offered to children ages 2 to 4 to prepare their hands and minds prior to writing and reading.

Initial, Ending, and Medial Sound Mats

Literacy is at the heart of every other content area, and therefore; holds a crucial role in the child’s learning experience. Because children from birth to six are in the sensitive period for language, Montessori classrooms dedicate an entire area to language enrichment. The aim is to immerse children with language-stimulating materials that prepare for […]

The Green Language Series

The Green Series is a comprehensive reading program commonly found in Montessori classrooms. The Green Series is also the third series, preceded by the Pink Series, and the Blue Series. Dr. Montessori developed the Montessori method based on the Italian language, which is a phonetic language. Once the method reached America, it was evident that […]