Tag Archives: #zoology

Types of Animal Movement, Age 9+

Types of Animal Movement, Age 9+

The Montessori zoology curriculum emphasizes the interconnectedness of living organisms and their environments. Understanding animal movement is fundamental to this study, as movement directly impact an animal’s ability to survive.

Types of Animal Sensory Organs, Ages 6-9

Types of Animal Sensory Organs, Ages 6-9

Our material on Types of Animal Sensory Organs introduces the specialized structures that allow animals to gather information from their surroundings.

Cheetah vs. Leopard, Ages 6-9+

Cheetah vs. Leopard, Ages 6-9

we would like to take you on another comparative journey: Cheetah vs. Leopard. These two majestic big cats, while often confused for one another, possess distinct characteristics and behaviors that set them apart.

Turtles vs. Tortoises, Ages 3-9

Understanding the differences between a tortoise and a turtle is more than a biology lesson; it’s an opportunity to develop observational skills, encourage scientific thinking, and foster respect for life’s diversity. In a Montessori setting, where education is child-led and hands-on, distinguishing these creatures becomes a practical exercise in critical thinking and comparative analysis.

The Study of Worms – Ages 6-9

Study of worms

Have you ever observed a wiggling worm around after a rainy day as a child? Children are always fascinated and become observant when seeing earthworms make their way through rough terrains. But, not all worms are created equally. They may share similar characteristics but are quite different if we look at them closely.

Science Charts – Biology

Three Domains of Life The Montessori Biology elementary curriculum introduces biological classification based on cellular structure. Children are presented a series of science charts that allow them to process and classify large amounts of organisms. The first chart introduced to children is the Three Domains of living organisms, followed by the Six Kingdoms: the Prokaryotes […]