Category Archives: Land & Water Forms

Seafloor Spreading, Ages 6-9

Seafloor Spreading

We are excited to introduce a new addition to our geoscience selection of materials! Seafloor Spreading (6-9) Complete Set. The study of the seafloor spreading compliments our work on Map of the Ocean Floor Puzzle and Oceanic Landforms Puzzle. 

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Montessori materials were premised on Dr. Montessori’s findings that children between ages three and six are concrete learners who first learn best through their senses. That is why she created various materials that recruit a child’s senses, such as the Sandpaper Globe and the Land and Water forms trays. Children are only introduced to political […]

Parts of a River – Ages 6-9

Children will benefit significantly from learning about the parts of a river. Our Parts of a River material encompasses many other natural processes studied in the Montessori Geography curriculum: types of clouds, the water cycle, glaciers and glacial landforms, and land and water forms.  Water found on land originates from snow and rain. The precipitation […]

Glaciers and Glacial Landforms, Ages 3-9


Geography Glaciers can be found on nearly every continent. Some of the most famous glaciers are the Lambert Glacier in Antarctica, the Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina, the Margerie Glacier in Alaska, the Furtwängler Glacier in Tanzania, the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers in New Zealand, the Pasterze Glacier in Austria, and the Biafo Glacier […]