Category Archives: Arithmetic

Number Line, Age 6+

Number Line, Age 6+

How important are number lines? Montessorians know too well the story of Ancient Egyptians who tied knots at equidistance on a rope to measure crops.  This is a form of a number line!   Every day we use number lines when measuring ingredients, length, or driving along a road.  Not only are number lines everywhere, but they […]

Fractions with Degrees Activity Set, Ages 9-12

Help your learners create new connections between fractional parts and angle measurements!  In the early elementary years, Montessori learners explore various names to describe angles.

Estimation and Rounding, Ages 6-12

Estimation and Rounding

In everyday life, we use estimation and rounding, two skills that help us mentally assess numbers. They can be used to simplify numbers and understand them better, or they can be used to do mental math faster.

Decanomial Box Task Cards, Age 6+

Decanomial Box Task Cards, Age 6+

The Decanomial Box Task Cards have been designed to support learners aged 6 and up beginning to work —implicitly—with multiplication. Ultimately, the Montessori Decanomial Box is used to provide learners with a physical model of the multiplication table.

The Study of Percentages, Ages 8+

The Study of Percentages

The basics of percentages are usually introduced around ages 8-9, in the late Lower Elementary years. First, children must have extensive experience with fractions and what it means to have parts of a whole. Percentages are comparable to fractions, with the difference that percentage represents the value of a quantity divided into 100 parts

Hundred Board, Age 4+

The Hundred Board is a classic Montessori math material introduced to children aged four and up. The purpose of the Hundred Board is to reinforce linear counting and develop a concrete awareness of the decimal system. The Hundred Board consists of a wooden frame with a blue grid of one hundred squares and one hundred […]

Cubing Material, Ages 9-12


Elementary Montessori classrooms have the uniqueness to be equipped with the most remarkable mathematical materials. The Cubing Material is one of those materials that are intriguing and enticing for learners.

Multi-Base Bead Frame, Ages 9-12

This week, we would like to provide a rationale for introducing the Multi-Base Bead Frame Premium Quality Complete Set to your learners.  In the present time, arithmetic calculations are based on what is called the base ten model.  This means we can only use nine numerals before needing two digits to represent more numerals (1, […]

Decimal Board for Multiplication, Ages 9-12

Decimal Board for Multiplication

We are excited to reintroduce to the market the Decimal Board of Multiplication, which was created by Dr. Montessori.  We have revamped and modernized the Decimal Board of Multiplication by replacing the glass topping of the board with a fine layer of felt fabric.

The Decimal Board, age 8+

The Decimal Board is a unique material design for the Montessori environment. Traditionally, the decimal system is introduced around age 8 or 9 in the context of money, fraction, and other real-life experiences. The decimal system is used in many areas such as money, science, and even areas like sports.  Therefore, it is important that children have a strong understanding of the decimal system, and this begins with knowing how to read and write decimals.