Category Archives: Science

Newton’s Laws of Motion, Ages 6-12

Newton's Laws of Motion, Ages 6-12

The way objects move and interact with each other is a constant source of curiosity for young minds. Children naturally observe and question the forces at play, from bouncing balls to rolling cars. In the upper elementary Montessori classroom, we can guide this curiosity toward a deeper understanding of the world by introducing Newton’s laws of motion.

Pressure Variations, Ages 6-12

Pressure Variations, Ages 6-12

Learn more about our new material, Pressure Variations Puzzle – Complete Set. Atmospheric pressure is the force the air around us exerts on everything it touches. It may seem invisible, but it affects many aspects of our lives, such as the weather, the climate, and even how we breathe.

Seafloor Spreading, Ages 6-9

Seafloor Spreading

We are excited to introduce a new addition to our geoscience selection of materials! Seafloor Spreading (6-9) Complete Set. The study of the seafloor spreading compliments our work on Map of the Ocean Floor Puzzle and Oceanic Landforms Puzzle. 

Classification of Organic Compounds, Ages 9-12

When scientists look at organic compounds, they notice some patterns and differences that can help them group them together. They look at the number of carbon atoms, what other elements are attached to those carbon atoms, and how the atoms are arranged. Based on these patterns and differences, scientists have grouped organic compounds into different categories.

Physical Changes in States of Matter, Ages 6-12

Physical changes in states of matter is a topic that falls under the branch of physical science known as chemistry. It focuses on understanding the different states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) and how they can undergo changes without altering their chemical composition.  In the Montessori curriculum, chemistry is introduced through water, which is an excellent component to demonstrate many physical changes in matter, such as condensation, evaporation, deposition, freezing, boiling, and melting.

Types of Chemical Bonds, Ages 9-12

Everything around us is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are like the building blocks of matter. Chemical bonds are the forces that hold atoms together in a molecule or a compound. Like Lego blocks snap together to make a structure, atoms join together through chemical bonds to form different substances.

Parts of Vertebrae, Ages 9+

The human vertebrae are the individual bones that make up our spine or backbone, which runs from the base of our skull to our lower back. We have 33 vertebrae, and they serve many important functions.

The Carbon Cycle, Ages 6-9

The carbon cycle is an important concept for elementary learners in the Montessori science curriculum. It focuses on studying plants, animals, and the environment.

Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores – Ages 6-9

In a Montessori classroom, the study of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores is often introduced in the early elementary years. This is because children at this age are naturally curious about animals and their habitats. By learning about how animals get their food, children can begin to understand the complex relationships between different organisms in an […]

The Ring of Fire, Ages 6-12

The Ring of Fire, Ages 6-12

The Ring of Fire is a region of the Earth’s crust that is home to many volcanoes and earthquakes. It is a vast area that stretches around the Pacific Ocean, and it is responsible for some of the most destructive natural disasters in history. In the Montessori curriculum, students learn about the Ring of Fire as part of their study of geology.