Tag Archives: #scienceforkids

Earth’s System of Four Spheres, Ages 3-6 / 6-12

Understanding the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems is crucial to understanding our planet’s complexities. The concept of the four spheres—hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere—provides a framework for analyzing how these systems interact and influence one another.

Pressure Variations, Ages 6-12

Pressure Variations, Ages 6-12

Learn more about our new material, Pressure Variations Puzzle – Complete Set. Atmospheric pressure is the force the air around us exerts on everything it touches. It may seem invisible, but it affects many aspects of our lives, such as the weather, the climate, and even how we breathe.

The Carbon Cycle, Ages 6-9

The carbon cycle is an important concept for elementary learners in the Montessori science curriculum. It focuses on studying plants, animals, and the environment.

The Lymphatic System, Ages 3-6, 6-12

The Lymphatic System

Given its complex appearance, it can be daunting to introduce the human lymphatic system. We broke it down into 11 parts that consist of vessels, nodes, and organs. The parts explored with The Lymphatic System Puzzle with Nomenclature Cards (6-9) are: tonsil, right lymphatic duct, axillary lymph nodes, appendix, cervical lymph nodes, inguinal lymph nodes, subclavian vein, thymus gland, thoracic duct, spleen, and popliteal lymph nodes.

Life in a Pond and Life in the Soil

Life in a Pond/Soil

By studying ecosystems, children can think critically and construct an argument from the evidence that living organisms are interdependent and dependent on their environment.