Shape discrimination is a natural ability in humans that Dr. Montessori has refined in children using Geometric Solids. This refinement can later be translated in other fields such as writing and reading. The Geometric Solids begin as a sensorial material (3+) and continue to be explored in the elementary years for their mathematical attributes.
Why are the Geometric Solids so captivating for children? It requires a lot of precision and craftsmanship skills to create this monochromatic glossy set of 10 shapes (cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, cylinder, cone, ovoid, ellipsoid, sphere, square-based pyramid, and triangle-based pyramid). Their weight and sharpness guarantee an heightened sensorial input that fascinate children. Furthermore, the Geometric Solids are designed based on the decimal system (10 cm) so that children are accustomed to this mathematical foundation, which is found throughout Montessori math materials. It exists many presentations and games to extend the learning of these Geometric Solids, which we will explore in this post.
Geometric Solids Complete Set:
- Geometric Solids with Bases & Planes
- Geometric Solids Wooden Nomenclature Cards (3-6)
- Wooden Memory Game: Geometric Solids
- Geometric Solids Nomenclature Cards 3-6
- Geometric Solids Nomenclature Cards 6-9
Ways to Work with the Geometric Solids
Between age 3 to 4, children are invited to select the solids in a sensorial manner. They take 3 shapes of their choice, one by one, and bring them to a mat. With guidance, they explore the different attributes of each solid. Do they roll? Do they have pointy ends? Children are simply feeling, manipulating, and observing. The solids are preferably aligned horizontally to compare and contrast all the similarities and differences between the solids. After children have explore their first solids, they can learn another group of three solids. The adult can elicit inquires by asking questions. Later, the three period lesson will help children organize and sharpen their knowledge.
Geometric Solids with Bases & Planes – L46
The next work we can introduce is matching the solids faces with their respective bases. Children are invited to work with the materials (solids and bases). The solids are aligned from left to right, and a review can be initiated. The adult announces that the solids faces can be match to the bases and demonstrates how to proceed with the matching. Once every shape has receive their respective bases, only three solids remain unattended: sphere, avoid, and ellipsoid. These solids do not have any plane to match. Children will intuitively understand why.

There are other ways to keep children working the Geometric Solids:
-using a blindfold and guessing what is being explore by hands (stereognostic sense or haptic sense)
-organizing shapes by attributes (numbers of edges, faces, vertices)
-covering one mystery shape with a cloth, and recalling all shapes in order to guess what is missing
-matching the solids to 2D pictures (nomenclature cards)
-labeling the solids
-naming and counting the parts
-searching for objects similar to the solids in the environment
Alison’s Montessori Extension Works
In order to further children’s experience and knowledge with the Geometric Solids, we have created a series of materials meant to serve different ages and learning styles:
-our Geometric Solids Wooden Nomenclature Cards (3-6) are excellent sensorial learning tools, especially in the primary years. The Wooden Nomenclature Cards are durable, and extremely appealing to the sense of order present at this age. Children can organize their knowledge in a very precise manner. One card locks very well with another. The wood properties (texture, temperature, and weight) awaken children’s senses, and enhance their experience. They enjoy matching the control cards (picture/label) to the picture cards, and the label cards.
-our Geometric Solids Nomenclature Cards 3-6 are similar to our Wooden Nomenclature Cards. They are printed on cardstock, and are available laminated and cut. This set consists of 10 control cards, 10 picture cards, 10 label cards for matching, and a booklet.
-our Geometric Solids Nomenclature Cards 6-9 intended purpose is to provide elementary children with the language to describe the solids (e.g. An ovoid is a solid shaped like an egg). This set is comprised of 6 part cards for each solid, and a booklet. Unlike the 3 part card set, this set is more versatile as it offers cloze tests cards (fill in the blank). After much practice, children can perform a self-assessment by reading the cloze test cards and guessing the missing term. They match the cloze test card to a label and a picture.

-our Wooden Memory Game: Geometric Solids will certainly appeal to children of any age! This fun game can be started at a very young age by removing some of the cards. As children are playing, they are remembering the names of the solids in a fun and engaging manner, perfect for retention!
Children will use the Geometric Solids through their elementary years. They will be measuring, weighing, and figuring out their volumes!
This post is illustrated with our Geometric Solids with Bases & Planes. Parts from this set can be purchased separately (see “Materials” for links). You may also consider our Geometric Solids with Bases & Planes (Premium Quality). The difference between the Value Line and the Premium Quality is in the craftmanship and the quality of wood. The Premium Quality is made of German Birch wood, hand sanded, flawlessly hand painted, and is crafted in our own facility in Sri Lanka.

Visit www.alisonsmontessori.com