Tag Archives: #montessorieducation

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Montessori materials were premised on Dr. Montessori’s findings that children between ages three and six are concrete learners who first learn best through their senses. That is why she created various materials that recruit a child’s senses, such as the Sandpaper Globe and the Land and Water forms trays. Children are only introduced to political […]

The Great Stories, Ages 6-9+

The term Cosmic Education has always fascinated the Montessori community and for a valid reason; Dr. Montessori perceived all content areas of learning as connected to the beginning of time. 

Timeline of Numbers, Ages 6-12

Timeline of Numbers

Our new Timeline of Numbers has been developed by Dr. Daniel Jutras, founder of the Montessori Teacher Education Institute. The Timeline of Numbers is aligned with the Montessori history curriculum and covers 16 millennia of history, from 15,000 BCE to 1,500 BE. Because the Timeline of Numbers is designed to be presented during the 5 Great Stories of the Montessori history curriculum, it is accompanied by research cards written in a storytelling manner

Mathematical Terms 6-9

Developing math skills is constantly at the center of concern for many educators and parents. The content area itself is like a new language with a set of rules to apply in unknown contexts. Providing children with precise and accurate language while working on math skills is crucial in the development of their confidence and capacity to compound knowledge and progress healthily.

Complete Montessori Language Programs for ages 6-12

Montessori Language Programs

In the elementary years, children begin to work with concurring grammar programs with Key Experiences as entry points. Key Experiences are a common Montessori language practice aiming to leverage new topics introduced.

Classroom Packages, Ages 0-12

Montessori Classroom Packages

Alison’s Montessori is a leading global developer, manufacturer, and supplier of Montessori educational materials.  We are an independent publisher with our own facility in New Jersey.  Our facility in Sri Lanka ensures that we have direct control over quality standards, innovation capability, productivity, and the supply chain. In addition, Alison’s Montessori has exclusive collaborators in […]

Hundred Chain & Hundred Board

Mathematics, 4-5 Humans are known to have a natural ability for mathematics that can be further developed through nurturing. Dr. Montessori defined this optimum period for developing the mathematical mind as the sensitive period for math, which occurs between ages four and six.  Around age four, children are formally introduced to Montessori math materials to […]

Writing Materials, Ages 2-5

In Montessori education, writing is the springboard of literacy, which will naturally lead to reading. This is due to children developing and refining their skills through concrete experiences.  Writing is a productive skill in language acquisition that requires some specific preparation of the hands, through the use of the materials, and the mind, through the […]

Mathematics Task Cards, Common Core, Grade 1

Mathematics Task Cards, Common Core Grade 1

In this post, we would like to share with you Mathematics Grade 1 Common Core Task Cards. This post will guide you through understanding how children can practice and demonstrate their math skills using our Task Cards. The Task Cards are used with the Montessori materials and will help children meet and exceed expectations from States standards.

Introduction to US Currency, Ages 6-9

We are excited to introduce our new math curriculum, the Introduction to US Currency Complete Set! Children are introduced to the US currency (coins and notes) and are learning real-life problem-solving skills using money. This complete set includes 56 Task Cards and all you need to meet the needs of children ages 6-9. We have […]