Author Archives: Leila Farley

Geometric Solids 3-6, 6-9


Shape discrimination is a natural ability in humans that Dr. Montessori has refined in children using Geometric Solids. This refinement can later be translated in other fields such as writing and reading. The Geometric Solids begin as a sensorial material (3+) and continue to be explored in the elementary years for their mathematical attributes.

The Green Language Series

The Green Series is a comprehensive reading program commonly found in Montessori classrooms. The Green Series is also the third series, preceded by the Pink Series, and the Blue Series. Dr. Montessori developed the Montessori method based on the Italian language, which is a phonetic language. Once the method reached America, it was evident that […]

Infinity Street Hierarchy

Learning to read big numbers has never been so much fun! We are excited to present this new wooden material, Infinity Street Hierarchy. Infinity Street will allow children to practice reading large numbers, and develop a thorough understanding of place value. This unique wooden material is introduced through a captivating story that we will share […]

Timeline of Life Charts and Research Cards

Early in the Fall, Montessori elementary learners are invited to discover how the Universe developed, which begins the Montessori History Curriculum. A series of Five Great Stories along with Impressionistic Charts, and experiments are introduced. The First Great Story, developed by Dr. Montessori, counts the creation of the Universe, including the Solar System, and the […]

Botany Impressionistic Charts

The Botany Impressionistic Charts are introduced in elementary following the first and second Great Stories, and the Timeline of Life. They aim to teach the needs of plants by sparking elementary children’s imagination through visual impressions. The Botany Impressionistic Charts are introduced along with stories and experiments that children can recreate themselves later using command […]

Parts of the Human Tongue

The human tongue is an important organ; its function is more than tasting. The tongue is responsible for mastication, deglutition, taste, and speech. The tongue is a muscular organ that can be elongated, rolled, bent, and twisted. It is made of more than 10,000 taste buds that are capable for identifying all 5 different tastes: […]

Multiplication Bead Board with Activity Cards

Around age 5-6, children in Montessori programs use an array of materials to memorize multiplication facts. They learn about multiplication by concretely experiencing the process. They begin to realize that a multiplication is simply an addition of the same number. One of the materials used for memorization of multiplication facts is the Multiplication Bead Board. […]

Checker Board with Activity Cards

Mathematics, 6-9 The Checker Board is introduced in the elementary years, around age 6-7, after much practice with the Large Bead Frame. This material allows children to experience working with long multiplications without having necessarily memorized all multiplication facts. In addition to the traditional Montessori Checker Board, Alison’s Montessori complete set includes Activity Cards. The […]

Elementary Negative Snake Game

Mathematics, 9-12 Montessori math materials aim to aid children develop a mathematical mind by using conceptual math, rather than procedural math. In Primary classrooms (age 3-6), children are introduced to the Addition Snake Game, and the Subtraction Snake Game, which provide ample of practice within the decimal system. Children build golden bead snakes by counting […]

Addition Snake Game

The classic Montessori Addition Snake Game‘s purpose is to provide practice with the combinations of numbers that make ten. The Addition Snake Game also allows children to memorize addition facts. Indirectly, children go through a kinesthetic multi-step process that enhances executive function and self-regulation skills. The process requires children to work using their working memory […]