Decimal fractions are fractions where the denominators are 10, 100, 1000, and so on. When introduced in the early upper elementary years, children use a similar visual representation they used when learning about place value.
Author Archives: Leila Farley
Graphing is a valuable skill for children to learn and can be introduced as early as late primary years when using our new material, Bar Graph Complete Set! Learning to graph helps children understand data and relationships and can also help them develop their spatial reasoning skills. It does so by showing data using visual representations. Graphs can be used to show how things change over time or to compare different things.
In the Montessori upper elementary curriculum, zoology is focused on “what the eye cannot see” in animals. This includes the structure of an animal cell, the animal’s internal anatomy, adaptation/behavior, and ecology. Studying the internal parts of vertebrates is an important part of zoology as it helps children make sense of what all vertebrates have in common (respiratory system, circulatory […]
The carbon cycle is an important concept for elementary learners in the Montessori science curriculum. It focuses on studying plants, animals, and the environment.
In a Montessori classroom, the study of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores is often introduced in the early elementary years. This is because children at this age are naturally curious about animals and their habitats. By learning about how animals get their food, children can begin to understand the complex relationships between different organisms in an […]
Rivers have been a major water, food, and transportation source for civilizations throughout history. The Amazon River basin is no exception. It is a vital resource for the people and ecosystems of South America. Our exclusive material on the Amazon River Basin attempt to offer a different approach to the part of the world. Learners […]
Montessori learners are well accustomed to the geographical and political features of the world. They’ve explored various biomes with abundant flora and fauna, political boundaries, and cultural variations in particular regions. With our brand-new exclusive material, the Nile River Basin, we want to expand the elementary learners’ perspective and invite them to discover the profound […]
The Ring of Fire is a region of the Earth’s crust that is home to many volcanoes and earthquakes. It is a vast area that stretches around the Pacific Ocean, and it is responsible for some of the most destructive natural disasters in history. In the Montessori curriculum, students learn about the Ring of Fire as part of their study of geology.
We are excited to share our new educational Roman numerals material, the Study of Roman Numbers Complete Set. This material set includes an instructional guide, wooden Roman numerals, task cards to learn to convert Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, and a timeline to practice placing labels century by century in both Arabic numbers and Roman numerals.
The Napier’s Local Arithmetic Board is a tool that can be used to teach multiplication to elementary learners (ages 10-12) in your Montessori classroom. It is a hands-on way to practice mathematical skills, and it can help students develop a better understanding of how multiplication works, and provide a deeper insight into the base 2 system.