Tag Archives: Montessori Wooden Materials

Parts of Vertebrae, Ages 9+

The human vertebrae are the individual bones that make up our spine or backbone, which runs from the base of our skull to our lower back. We have 33 vertebrae, and they serve many important functions.

Rational & Irrational Numbers, Ages 8-12

Rational & Irrational Numbers, Ages 8-12

It is important to learn to classify numbers because it helps us understand the different types of numbers and how they are related to each other. For example, if children are solving a math problem, they need to know what type of number they are working with in order to choose the correct operation.

Bar Graph, Ages 6-12

Graphing is a valuable skill for children to learn and can be introduced as early as late primary years when using our new material, Bar Graph Complete Set! Learning to graph helps children understand data and relationships and can also help them develop their spatial reasoning skills. It does so by showing data using visual representations. Graphs can be used to show how things change over time or to compare different things.

The Carbon Cycle, Ages 6-9

The carbon cycle is an important concept for elementary learners in the Montessori science curriculum. It focuses on studying plants, animals, and the environment.

Number Rods, Extension Cards, Ages 4-6

Let’s talk about the power of Montessori’s Number Rods with Extension Cards! The Montessori Number Rods are a foundational Montessori material used to introduce children to the basic concepts of math such as counting, number sequencing, and size discrimination. These rods come in varying lengths and colors, each representing a different numerical value. The direct aim of using the Number Rods is to teach children to isolate numbers and comprehend their relative value in a visual, tactile manner. The indirect aim of this work is to develop their concentration, focus, and fine motor skills.

Major Organs of the Human Body, Ages 6-9

Major Organs of the Human Body, Ages 6-9

The Montessori framework is grounded in a child-centered approach to education that values fostering a child’s strengths, independence, and natural curiosity. It is an approach that recognizes that children have an innate hunger for knowledge and exploration learning through hands-on experiences, imagination, and experimentation.

Carbon and its Forms, Age 9+

Are you ready to embark on a journey to learn about one of the most important elements on planet earth? That’s right; we’re talking about carbon! Carbon is a fascinating element found in many forms and has numerous benefits for our environment, health, and economy.

Number Line, Age 6+

Number Line, Age 6+

How important are number lines? Montessorians know too well the story of Ancient Egyptians who tied knots at equidistance on a rope to measure crops.  This is a form of a number line!   Every day we use number lines when measuring ingredients, length, or driving along a road.  Not only are number lines everywhere, but they […]

Fractions with Degrees Activity Set, Ages 9-12

Help your learners create new connections between fractional parts and angle measurements!  In the early elementary years, Montessori learners explore various names to describe angles.

Estimation and Rounding, Ages 6-12

Estimation and Rounding

In everyday life, we use estimation and rounding, two skills that help us mentally assess numbers. They can be used to simplify numbers and understand them better, or they can be used to do mental math faster.