Tag Archives: #montessorielementary

Wooden Equivalent Figures, 9-12

Wooden Equivalent Figures

The Wooden Equivalent Figure Material Complete Set is an affordable version of the unique Montessori math material, Equivalent Figures Material. Equivalent Figures Material allows learners to explore the concept of equivalences by deconstructing shapes to create new shapes that can be used for measuring areas.

Chemistry Curriculum, Ages 6-12

Alison’s Montessori team has been working on expanding access to Montessori-aligned chemistry materials to all elementary learners. In this post, we would like to share how you can introduce some of our newly created and published materials.

Parts of a Thunderstorm, Ages 6-12

Thunderstorms occur at a rate of 2000 per day around the world.  They are a vital natural process for the biosphere. When thunderstorms occur, a release of energy helps warm up the atmosphere and balance electrical charges. 

Multi-Base Bead Frame, Ages 9-12

This week, we would like to provide a rationale for introducing the Multi-Base Bead Frame Premium Quality Complete Set to your learners.  In the present time, arithmetic calculations are based on what is called the base ten model.  This means we can only use nine numerals before needing two digits to represent more numerals (1, […]

USA Major National Parks Study, 6-12

USA Major National Parks Study

Why is it important to learn about National Parks? National Parks are natural environments preserved for the benefits of the people and future generations. National Parks are areas with native ecosystems that offer an abundance of recreational and educational opportunities to learn about natural habitats.

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Innovative Geography Materials, ages 3-9

Montessori materials were premised on Dr. Montessori’s findings that children between ages three and six are concrete learners who first learn best through their senses. That is why she created various materials that recruit a child’s senses, such as the Sandpaper Globe and the Land and Water forms trays. Children are only introduced to political […]

The Great Stories, Ages 6-9+

The term Cosmic Education has always fascinated the Montessori community and for a valid reason; Dr. Montessori perceived all content areas of learning as connected to the beginning of time. 

Timeline of Numbers, Ages 6-12

Timeline of Numbers

Our new Timeline of Numbers has been developed by Dr. Daniel Jutras, founder of the Montessori Teacher Education Institute. The Timeline of Numbers is aligned with the Montessori history curriculum and covers 16 millennia of history, from 15,000 BCE to 1,500 BE. Because the Timeline of Numbers is designed to be presented during the 5 Great Stories of the Montessori history curriculum, it is accompanied by research cards written in a storytelling manner

Mathematical Terms 6-9

Developing math skills is constantly at the center of concern for many educators and parents. The content area itself is like a new language with a set of rules to apply in unknown contexts. Providing children with precise and accurate language while working on math skills is crucial in the development of their confidence and capacity to compound knowledge and progress healthily.