Word Study (6-9) became a classic language material found in Montessori elementary classrooms. After children have learn about the basics of parts of speech and understand the syntactic components of the English language, they are ready to manipulate and decode language on a semantic level. Word Study is a three year linguistic program that is […]
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Have you heard of honeybee societies? Honeybees have developed one of the most complex communal colonies in the animal kingdom! Introduction about Honeybees Honeybees live on every continent, except Antarctica. The reason is, they feed on nectar and pollen from flowers. Bees have a vital role in our ecosystems. We enjoy fruits, vegetables, and delicious […]
Shape discrimination is a natural ability in humans that Dr. Montessori has refined in children using Geometric Solids. This refinement can later be translated in other fields such as writing and reading. The Geometric Solids begin as a sensorial material (3+) and continue to be explored in the elementary years for their mathematical attributes.
The Green Series is a comprehensive reading program commonly found in Montessori classrooms. The Green Series is also the third series, preceded by the Pink Series, and the Blue Series. Dr. Montessori developed the Montessori method based on the Italian language, which is a phonetic language. Once the method reached America, it was evident that […]
The Botany Impressionistic Charts are introduced in elementary following the first and second Great Stories, and the Timeline of Life. They aim to teach the needs of plants by sparking elementary children’s imagination through visual impressions. The Botany Impressionistic Charts are introduced along with stories and experiments that children can recreate themselves later using command […]