Author Archives: Leila Farley

Writing Materials, Ages 2-5

In Montessori education, writing is the springboard of literacy, which will naturally lead to reading. This is due to children developing and refining their skills through concrete experiences.  Writing is a productive skill in language acquisition that requires some specific preparation of the hands, through the use of the materials, and the mind, through the […]

Mathematics Task Cards, Common Core, Grade 1

Mathematics Task Cards, Common Core Grade 1

In this post, we would like to share with you Mathematics Grade 1 Common Core Task Cards. This post will guide you through understanding how children can practice and demonstrate their math skills using our Task Cards. The Task Cards are used with the Montessori materials and will help children meet and exceed expectations from States standards.

Introduction to US Currency, Ages 6-9

We are excited to introduce our new math curriculum, the Introduction to US Currency Complete Set! Children are introduced to the US currency (coins and notes) and are learning real-life problem-solving skills using money. This complete set includes 56 Task Cards and all you need to meet the needs of children ages 6-9. We have […]

The Study of Vertebrate Animals, Ages 3-6

Montessori education is a holistic education that takes into consideration children’s connection to their environment. Understanding other living organisms is essential in many aspects.  Therefore, the study of zoology takes place in the early years of primary school, around age three.

The Study of Leaves, Ages 3-12

The study of leaves

Studies show that exposure to nature has a significant positive impact on a child’s cognitive, social, physiological, and emotional development. In Montessori education, botany is an integral part of the program. Children are encouraged to take nature walks regularly and observe in real life how nature unfolds. Because children receive formal education about the characteristics and the needs of living organisms such as plants, they are well aware and enthusiastic about their surroundings.  This post aims to demonstrate how Alison’s Montessori Curriculum Materials are comprehensive, scaffolded, satisfying years of learning.

Animals of the Continents, Ages 3-9

Animals of the Continents, Ages 3-9

Our new material Animals of the Continents is inspired by the Montessori geography curriculum.  It can be used to supplement the Puzzle Map of the World or as an independent material.  The set is comprised of seven wooden large cards representing all seven Montessori color-coded continents, eight cutouts for each continent (56 cutouts), and a compartmentalized wooden box for storage.

Preparation for Writing, Ages 2-4

Dr. Montessori believed that language development was a crucial component for supporting the child’s learning journey. She observed that children have the desire to form letters before they can learn how to read. Therefore, preparatory works in the Practical Life and Sensorial areas are offered to children ages 2 to 4 to prepare their hands and minds prior to writing and reading.

Parts of a River – Ages 6-9

Children will benefit significantly from learning about the parts of a river. Our Parts of a River material encompasses many other natural processes studied in the Montessori Geography curriculum: types of clouds, the water cycle, glaciers and glacial landforms, and land and water forms.  Water found on land originates from snow and rain. The precipitation […]

Sentence Analysis, Ages 6-9 & 9-12


Do you remember learning about parts of speech, subject, predicate, direct object? Dr. Montessori knew just how to reach children when it comes to grammar. She used geometrical shapes and colors to symbolize each part of speech. The same method was used to analyze phrases within a sentence. Dr. Montessori developed a system of shapes and arrows to demonstrate the relationship between words/phrases in a sentence.