The Study of Mushrooms – Ages 6-9

The Study of Mushrooms 6-9

Mushrooms are a type of fungus that can be found on forest floors, but also on backyard lawns! We think it is especially important to introduce children to the study of mushrooms since most children might have misconceptions believing that mushrooms are plants, and that fungus means mushroom.

Timeline of Life and Research Cards, Ages 6-12

Timeline of Life

Dr. Montessori believed in a holistic approach to learning. Holistic learning is presenting knowledge, content areas as parts that are interconnected to a whole; she named this framework the Cosmic Education. Traditional education, by default, has separated content areas that cannot be fully understood without intermediate knowledge from other content areas. In order to provide children access to big ideas such as the formation of the universe as a starter, Dr. Montessori proposed that we introduce as a backbone for all content areas, stories to children entering the elementary years. Beginning at age 6, children are introduced to the Five Great Lessons through a series of visuals and impressionistic experiments: the Coming of the Universe and Earth, the Coming of Life on Earth, the Coming of Humans, History of Writing, and History of Numbers.

Montessori Algebraic Peg Board

Algebraic Peg Board

Mathematics 6-12 The Montessori Algebraic Peg Board is an excellent material to be used in the elementary years. It consists of a square wooden board containing 900 holes. The board is accompanied by hierarchical colored pegs and metal bowls with which learners are familiar. In some exercises, the colors won’t matter, whereas; in other exercises, […]

Life in a Pond and Life in the Soil

Life in a Pond/Soil

By studying ecosystems, children can think critically and construct an argument from the evidence that living organisms are interdependent and dependent on their environment.

Anatomy of a Human Hand 6-9

Anatomy of a Human Hand

Dr. Montessori once said that “the hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence.” In effect, the hands allow humans to perform daily activities, which is possible due to their complex structure. Our new materials on the Anatomy of a Human Hand aim to help children develop an appreciation for this firsthand knowledge that is the […]

Study of Congruence, Similarities, and Equivalence

Geometry 6-12 In the early years of their education, Montessori learners are exposed to an abundance of materials that indirectly refine the mathematical mind formation. Perhaps the most impactful material is the set of Constructive Triangles. They consist of five boxes with various shapes filled with colorful shapes. Out of small parts, children explore different […]

Geometric Stick Box and Classified Geometry Nomenclature Cards

Geometric Stick Box and Classified Geometry Nomenclature Cards

Dr. Montessori believed in introducing Geometry to preschool-aged children. Her way to achieve this was by using children’s senses as a vehicle for learning.  In the primary level, children explore geometry through the manipulation of sensorial materials which include the Geometric Solids, the Geometric Cabinet, the Constructive Triangles, and the Blue Constructive Triangles.  Concepts are […]

Botany Leaf Cabinet with Large Puzzles

Montessori Botany Leaf Cabinet

The study of botany is a natural and spontaneous occurrence in children since plants are found in abundance in their environment. They demonstrate this trait by observing plants, collecting leaves, comparing colors and shapes, and asking questions. Because of this strong connection that humans have with nature, Dr. Montessori developed sensorial and linguistic materials for […]